陈增辉,男,讲师,硕士研究生导师,威廉希尔实验中心主任。2013年6月本科毕业于湖南科技大学,2020年7月博士毕业于北京邮电大学,电子科学与技术专业。主要承担高频电子线路、自动控制原理、数理逻辑基础、人工智能导论等课程的教学工作。目前研究方向为:面向高Q值光器件的高精度光矢量网络分析技术研究、高稳定低相噪微波信号产生以及在传感器方面的应用研究;基于双光学频率梳相干探测的矢量测量技术研究;以及基于纳米材料的光学成像、信息传感和定量检测研究。目前已经发表国际期刊论文SCI 10篇,国际会议论文EI 3篇。其中,国际权威杂志Optics Express (IF: 3.561,SCI二区) 2篇,J. Mater. Chem. C (IF: 6.641,SCI一区) 2篇,国家发明专利2项,实用新型专利1项,主持湖南省教育厅项目2项,省级教学改革项目2项,校级教学改革项目1项,校博士启动基金项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金1项。
1. Zenghui Chen, Yonggang Luo, Hongwei Zou, High-resolution optical vector analysis based on single sideband modulation using a dual port Mach–Zehnder modulator, Optical Engineering, 2024, 63: 3. (SCI)
2. Zenghui Chen, Li Deng, Yong gang Luo, Fast optical vector network analysis based on dual optical frequency comb, Optics Communications, 2023, 541:129557. (SCI,1.961)
3. Jian Dai, Zenghui Chen*, Kun Xu, et al. Accurate optical vector network analyzer based on optical double-sideband suppressed carrier modulation. Optics Communications, 2019, 447: 61-66. (SCI,1.961)
4. Zenghui Chen, Kun Xu, et al. Triple band frequency generator based on an optoelectronic oscillator with low phase noise. Optics Express, 2017, 25: 20749-20756. (SCI二区,3.561)
5. Zenghui Chen, Kun Xu, et al. Long-term measurement of high Q optical resonators based on optical vector network analysis with Pound Drever Hall technique. Optics Express, 2018, 26: 26888-26895. (SCI二区,3.561)
6. Zenghui Chen, Yunxin Liu, et al. Upconversion NaLuF4 fluorescent nanoprobes for jellyfish cell imaging and irritation assessment of organic dyes. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2015, 3:6067-6076. (SCI一区,6.641)
7. Zenghui Chen, Yunxin Liu, et al. Multicolor upconversion NaLuF4 fluorescent nanoprobe for plant cell imaging and detection of Sodium fluorescein. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2015, 3: 153-161. (SCI一区,6.641)
8. Zenghui Chen, Yunxin Liu, et al. Upconversion fluorescent and X-ray-sensitive bifunctional nanoprobes for assessing the penetrability of inorganic nanoparticles in the digestive system. MedChemComm, 2017, 8: 1053-1062. (SCI,2.608)
9. Zenghui Chen, Yunxin Liu, et al. Direct evidence of reversible energy transfer between Er3+ and Tm3+ ions in upconversion microcrystals. Journal of Rare Earth, 2015, 33: 679-685. (SCI三区,2.846)
10. Yunxin Liu, Zenghui Chen*, et al. Upconversion NaGdF4 nanoparticles for monitoring heattreatment and acid corrosion processes of hair. Journal of Rare Earth, 2016, 34: 475-482. (SCI三区,2.846)
11. Zenghui Chen, Kun Xu, et al. Frequency quadrupling microwave signal generation based on an optoelectronic oscillator with low phase noise. in Proc. of the IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (EI, MWP2017), Beijing, Oct. 2017.
12. Zenghui Chen, Kun Xu, et al. High-accuracy optical vector analyzer based on optical double-sideband suppressed carrier modulation and Pound Drever Hall technique. In 17th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (EI, ICOCN2018), Zhuhai, Nov. 2018.
13. Zenghui Chen, Kun Xu, et al. Fast optical vector analysis based on dual optical frequency comb and I/Q demodulation. 2021 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT), Nanjing, May 2021.
1. 戴键,陈增辉,叶珑,张天,尹飞飞,徐坤,一种光器件光谱响应测量装置及方法,2020-3-20,中国,ZL201810298777.9 (发明专利)
2. 陈增辉,韩微微,徐坤,基于双光频梳的快速矢量测量装置及测量方法,2022-12-27,中国,ZL202110374508.8 (发明专利)